27/4 Telephone Hotline - Speak to Someone Now - 855-2-CALL-GA (855-222-5542)


24/7 Toll-Free National Telephone Hotline


The 855-2-CALL-GA number will give you information for the meetings in the area code of the phone being used. If you use a NJ-based cell phone outside of NJ, you will still get NJ meeting information. To get meeting information in the area you are in, please use a local phone

24/7 Toll-Free NJ Only Telephone Hotline


New Jersey Intergroup of Gamblers Anonymous operates a toll-free 24 hour, 7 days per week, telephone hotline to help anyone with a gambling problem or anyone who is interesting in helping someone with a gambling problem. The hotline is divided into 3 segments.

  1. Connection to a volunteer
  2. Meeting directions
  3. Request for information
Connection to a volunteer
If you need the assistance of a volunteer, you will be connected to an actual member of Gamblers Anonymous. These are people from the program that will assist you with help in what to do now that you have taken the 1st step to seek help.

Meeting directions
As of 11/3/16, there are 64 meetings throughout the state of NJ and northeastern PA. There are meetings every night of the week and this feature will allow you to select the meeting that is closest to you, or those meetings on a specific night.

Request for information
If you don't wish to speak with a volunteer when making the call to the hotline or are just interested in having some information sent to you, this will allow you to leave voice mail that will be delivered to the appropriate party for followup.